Well, the Vikings have now successfully blown 3 straight double digit leads, three weeks in a row. Ouch! Man, if only the had a running back, they could run the ball, and run out the clock.....
What's that you say?? They have Adrian Peterson?? Yeah, note to Leslie Frazier: Les, try giving the ball to AP when you're up by 20 in the second half. Just a thought. Maybe discuss that this week.
This Week's "Stop me before I blitz again" award HAS to go to Jim Haslett. Cowboys need 3rd and 21 to keep the drive alive. You've stifled the Cowboys all night. So you go all out blitz, and leave the explosive Dez Bryant in single coverage alone on a big football field??? Do'oohh!!!
I mean, it was fine with me. Funny how things work out. Week One, I went to bed with a smile on my face, because they Cowboys were dominating the Jets. And they lost. Monday, I went to bed in disgust, the Cowboys looked so miserable. And they won.
Actually, I love how the Cowboy D is playing. I love that Lee dude, linebacker who had a pick. He's all over the field, hitting people... but that offensive line. OMG. Brutal. Could we try snapping the ball when Romo calls for the snap??? Wow. Jason Garrett, pick up the white courtesy telephone... Your team is incapable of snapping the ball!!! At home!!!! That Cowboy offense... it's not good.
Cheerlearder Update: Sam of the Denver Broncos.

Gadzooks. Her second year with the Broncos. Originally from Detroit, she also spent 7 years in the Carolina Ballet. Too bad there's not much to cheer for in Denver these days. It must be the fresh mountain air, or the Coors Light, or the basking in the glow eminating from Tim Tebow... she looks pretty good.
Cheerleader bonus:

Since the Cowboys won... How 'bout 'dem Cowboys!!!! That's a head of hair, right there.... Even Yanni is looking at that, and groaning....
Mike Vick doesn't think he's getting the calls. Uh huh. Well, #1, I think the officiating has been really uneven on a lotta these hits. One crew, a QB gets the forearm shiver to the helmet after the ball is long gone, nothing. Another crew, a D-lineman jumps up to bat the passed ball, misses, and a hand grazes the QB's helmet... Flag. I've seen several guys launch themselves headfirst like a human torpedo, and blow up a ball carrier... I distinctly recall, that was going to get people fined and ejected. They don't even throw the flag.
And really, if the Eagles have a problem, they can send in their game tape to the league, and complain about it. Happens all the time.
I don't hear Jay Cutler or Matt Ryan complaining, and they've taken some ridiculous shots this year.....
(Did I just stand up for Jay Cutler there??? I gotta call my doctor, have my dosage adjusted...)
Anyone watch any of those ESPN Films "30 for 30" movies?? They were, for the most part, really good. They ran a new one last night, they've dropped the "30 for 30" angle from the title, it's just "ESPN Films Presents: Catching Hell." The story of Steve Bartman, and how he was made a scapegoat for the Cubs collapse... Really really good. His mistreatment, and the life he's been forced to lead. I heard some sports guys this morning commenting on how it put the Cubs fans in such a bad light.... Uhhh, some of us have seen these Cubs fans come up here and invade Miller Park... And, I'm not sure the ESPN movie went far enough. From what I've seen, if you put your garbage out Friday morning, and when the pile was at the curb, you just carefully placed a Cubs hat on top.... You've got the idea...
(Okay, before you send that email, I know some Cubs fans who are fine. Really. Not too many, but a few are some of the best dudes I know. Some of the Cubs fans in this documentary though. Wow. It'll give you the chills.)
Anyway, check that out if you get a chance, it was very well done.
If you didn't see "A Football Life: Bill Belichick" on NFL Network, that was really good too. 2 parter. Very interesting.
Non Football Note: The Brewers have won The NL Central!!! Insane. Do I dare to dream??? Heh heh...

Ryan Braun hits a 3 run homer to clunch the division.... Go Brewers!