Tonights game will have some meaning! Badgergil just became a Ravens fan, while VBS is praying that someone took away Big Ben's motorcycle keys.... Heh heh, you should also pray that his offensive line remembers to block a little this week against a meat-eating Ravens front seven....
Today though, I must tell you, I'm setting aside my usual hate, bitterness, and discontent. I know, you're in shock. It's unbelievable.
No, really. I'm not going to talk about how the stupid Redskins, who had no pulse 3 weeks ago in their opener, suddenly stroll into Irving Texas and put the smack on the Cowboys. No, I'm not talking about it.
I'm not going to even MENTION the fact that The Doc specifically TOLD ME that Wisconsin was going to beat Michigan, and then, whoops, uhhh, did I just witness the biggest Michigan comeback in the history of the Big House in Ann Arbor??? I think I did.... Ouch. Whoa. Still reeeling.... not gonna talk about it.... Must... not.... talk... Yeah, as a gambling degenerate, I heard that Wisconsin hadn't gone into Ann Arbor as a favorite since..... well, since NEVER!! It never effing happened!! And it'll never happen again, either.... ugh.
I'm not going to ridicule Mike Shanahan... nope. I'm not going to ask myself out loud why I had Arizona instead of the Jets.... did I REALLY think 'Zona was going to fly across three time zones and wallop Brett Favre at home?? I might need my meds adjusted, if at any point I really thought that.... maybe discontinue the Lithium for awhile....
I'm not even going to gloat a little about the Tampa Bay Bucs....
Hey, who had "4" in the pool?? You know, the pool on which week Rodgers (TGAR) would go down with an injury?? Four, why is that number familiar.... hmm, 4, 4, rings a bell. Didn't we have a QB who was number 4?? We might have... have to look it up on the world wide interweb, I guess... Well, pay the man, Shirley, week 4 TGAR went down....
No, I'm not doing it. Today, I am all about THE MILWAUKEE BREWERS!!! Holy crap, we're back in the playoffs!!! It's a freaking miracle, but we did it!! 26 short years.... sigh. In the fall of 1982, I was a humble college student at Marquette University, struggling away, hanging on every pitch as the Brewers tried to put away the St Louis Cardinals... which, they could not. Gorman Thomas, 0-21 in the World Series... not good.
But we're back!!! Ahhh, back then, I was but a young lad, full of energy, enthusiasm, ambition, and optimism. Today, I get through the day with prescription drugs, alchohol, and a bad attitude. I once daydreamed about my bright future... now I find solace in my impregnable bunker, as I cradle an assault rifle... But it doesn't matter, because we're back in the Playoffs!!!
I'm not even going to dwell on this teams shortcomings... anything can happen from here on in, people... in 2006, The St Louis Cardinals limped into the playoffs leaking oil, blowing smoke, dumping radiator fluid, chugging along on bent rims and 3cylinders.... and then they won the World Series.
It.... Could.... Happen!!!

There's the Brewers Owner with CC, perhaps the greatest pickup in baseball history. Going on short rest 3 times, and pitching great, unbelievable. Most of the time, these short rest deals end very badly, and you wish they hand't done it. I still have bad visions of Randy Johnson getting rocked on short rest in the playoffs a few years ago....
Not only that, but after two entire generations of slugs have passed through here and hated it (Sheffield, Gary) and couldn't wait to get out of Milwaukee, CC seems genuinely thrilled to be here, and has really embraced this city and this team...
Keep in mind, this guy's contract is up. He's going to break the bank. He really shouldn't be risking his entire future to pitch on short rest for a team that in some ways, isn't his and won't be next spring... and yet, HE IS DOING IT!!! Talk about unselfish.... unreal.

This is Ryan Braun, in case you've been in a bunker for the last 6 months... What a huge huge huge player he has been. Less than a week ago, he hits a grand slam walk off home run that would have landed in Lake Michigan if that 3rd deck in left hadn't stopped it... and yesterday, a bigger-than-life 2 run blast in the 8th, when we needed it worse than oxygen... unreal.
So, on a day like today, I'm just gonna say:
G O B R E W E R S ! ! ! ! !
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