Well, who would have thought???
We went from this:

To This:

Well, me, for one....
I had several bets with people, and I said all along "He's playing for the Vikings". Why does a dude put $30 grand down on a condo in Eden Prairie, if he's not coming?? Why does his family buy hundreds of game tickets, and rent 30 or 40 hotel rooms, if he's not coming??
Exactly. He doesn't.
Packer Nation is of course up in arms, the horror of it all, ohhh, the humanity...
My people on the ground tell me Vikings Fans are psyched beyond belief....
As George Kostanza once famously said "You wanna get nuts?? Alright, LETS GET NUTS!!!"
I say, bring it on. Sports Radio hosts have to fill 3 hours a day with SOMETHING, am I right??? Why not this??
October 5th, 2009, mark your calendars... The Packers will travel to the Metrodome to play the hated Vikings, and Brett Favre, on Monday Night Football. The implications boggle the mind.
If the Packers WIN, not only will Packer Nation raise their heads and say hallelujiah, but Aaron Rodgers can probably pass around glasses of "Shut the Eff Up" juice to all his detractors. And Uncle Tedly can rest easy in his office, knowing that, for now, the heat will be off....
If the Packers LOSE, well, you may want to retreat to your bunker of ultimate security (or is it the bunker of ultimate paranoia, I keep forgetting...) and lock the door, because all effing hell is gonna break loose....
It's gonna be kind of surreal, I think. I'm already picturing the scene at Buffalo Wild Wings... Aaron Kampman is coming around the right side, unblocked, getting ready to unload on #4, and the assembled masses of Packer Fans will be screaming "KILL HIM!!!" That is surreal... Kill #4?? Kill the greatest player we had since the late 1960's?? Kill the player that made us relevant again?? Kill Him??
The Packers have looked pretty good in preseason... Ask the Lions about preseason. A reminder to those of you new to class, the Lions were 4-0 in preseason last year, before authoring the first ever 0-16 regular season. Matt Millen's Magnum Opus, if you will...
For those of you not quite as over-educated and under-employed as me:
Magnum opus: from the Latin meaning great work,[2] refers to the largest, and perhaps the best, greatest, most popular, or most renowned achievement of an author, artist, or composer, or General Manager of a Football Team...
See, I really am all about the teaching.... bwwaaahhh-haaawwww!!! I couldn't even keep a straight face!
Anyways... T.O. is hurt, yawn. Packers crushed those Bills the other night. Crushed. 21-0 at one point early, and it wasn't that close!
Couple weeks here people. I have some people signed up, I have some money. Thanks to those people. I will be sending an email, letting you know I got your money, so, If you don't get an email in a few days, but you paid, let me know.
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