Thursday, September 9th, 8:30 Eastern, 7:30 Central, On NBC, we have The Minnysoda Vikings traveling to New Orleans to face Drew Brees and your Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints.
Dare I say, this is a huge game. Huge.
I was watching a little college ball yesterday... Michigan and Michigan State looked okay, actually. But anyway, one of the announcers asks some ex-player color analyst "How do you feel about opening the season against a cupcake opponent??"
(Which, if I may, seemed like a super dumb question. Michigan was playing UConn, who many pundits thought would win the game... Yeah, Michigan was up 21-0 at the time, and cruising, but it wasn't like they were playing South Dakota Southwest Prairie Tech's Intramural Team... It's frickin' UConn. If anything, it was a credit to Michigan, they came out, played crisp, and looked good.)
The analyst said something like this: "I hate it. I'd rather play a big time opponent. If you win the game, it gets your whole season off to a huge start. You're as healthy as you're going to be all year. Nobody has seen your film yet. In many ways, it's your best chance to beat a great team."
Interesting point.
Vikings Saints, Ridiculous game to handicap. I'll just go 1 point, and flip a coin, how about that....
Such crazy talk, from your fearless leader, last year's season's champ. How dare you!!! Flip a coin... disgusting...
Anyway, Matt Leinart, released yesterday. Wow. Does his face go on Mount Bust-More???
Let's back up. Reviewing, Mount Bust-More is the faces of the 4 greatest NFL Busts of all time, carved in stone in Western South Dakota...
At the moment, Mount Bust-More has to be:
1. Tony Mandarich, the Greatest Offensive Line Prospect of all time...
2. JaMarcus Russell, "Jamarcus is a great Quarterback, Get over it!!!" Thanks Al. $40 million, for nothing.
3. Ryan Leaf. I could do a whole blog on this guy... Think back, the Chargers and Colts were 1-2 in that draft, and people were trying to decide, who is better, Leaf or Peyton Manning... I guess we found out!!
4. Andre Ware. Lions fans hate me for bringing him up, but he stunk royally in Detroit, Stunk up the CFL, stunk up NFL Europe, and finally retired. Brutally painful for the Lions, because they were running the "Run and Shoot" at the pro level, specifically to get the most out of Andre Ware... Ugh.
Matt Leinart. At the moment, it's too soon to tell. I can't throw him on that list. He could go somewhere else and be fine.
Maybe Mount Bust-More needs to grow, who knows. Brian Bosworth, anyone?? Heath Schuler. Akili Smith. Lawrence Phillips. Rae Carruth. See?? Starts getting tricky, going to just 4. Google some of those guys if you want a good laugh.
Although, may I quote from Yahoo Sports: "Matt Leinart showed more enthusiasm living the Hollywood life than working hard as a QB. That's why the Cardinals cut him." Aha. Okay, that doesn't bode well....
Bill Bidwell (again, owner of the Cardinals) is out in front of Kurt Warner's house right now with a Brinks truck full of cash, and Bruce Buffer on the microphone, yelling "Let's get readyyyyy to plaaaay foootbaaaaalll!!!"
If you didn't know it already, let me break this to you: This is a Quarterback League. Not that a good QB guarantees you anything, because it doesn't. (Review Rodgers, Aaron, and get back to me. Great QB, his GM does nothing to surround him. O-Line, question mark. Defense, question mark. Running back, non-existent. Special Teams, brutal, painful) But NO QB DOES IN FACT guarantee that you will stink.
The Proof: The Arizona Cardinals. With Warner, you're penciling them in for 10 wins right now, in a real soft division. Without Warner, can they win 6?? 7?? Derek Anderson, Cleveland Castoff. Case closed. You must have a QB.
Actually, some of you may remember this classic quote from when Anderson was released by the Browies: Upon leaving Cleveland, Anderson told The News-Herald, "The fans are ruthless and don't deserve a winner. I will never forget getting cheered when I was injured. I know at times I wasn't great. I hope and pray I'm playing when my team comes to town and (we) roll them."[7] He later apologized for his remarks.
Classic. Sadly, the Cardinals will not play the Browns this year....
Actually, they open at St Louis, who just named Sam Bradford their starter... Heh heh, good luck to Sam Bradford. You think the St Louis O-line is painful to watch?? Try Qb'ing behind it....
Tell you what, Mike Singletary (HC of the 49ers) is dreaming of an NFC West Title right now, with Arizona bowing out... The Rams and the Seahawks?? Please. Pencil the 49ers in right now.
Anyways, with only these few hours left, let's review a few things here:
No offseason could be complete without a Brett Favre Press Conference... okay, check that one off the list...

This is a cheerleader... Courtesy of the Houston Texans. Sure you don't wanna move to Houston?? Egad...

And finally, my sources have uncovered this just-released video of Matt Leinart's departure from Arizona... So long, Matt!!!

Okay, on a serious note, this guy is about to find out what happens when I don't get your money on time.... Get me the check, and get your picks in!!!

Side note: If you ever watched "90210" back in the day, you must check out Bill Simmon's 2-part podcast regarding his "90210" awards, in honor of last week's September second, 2010, which written in date form, is 9/02/10... Go on ESPN page 2, Sports Guy's World, and download those. Or on ITunes, "The BS Report". It's free, so relax.
People have asked me, "Why do you listen to so many podcasts??" Because where I drive for work, there's no radio. Or, there is, but's very eclectic. On 107.1 out of Fond Du Lac the other day, I heard Duran Duran, "Ordinary World". I can't remember the last time I heard Duran Duran on the radio. I'm not gonna lie, I sort of enjoyed it, actually. And I'm not gonna apologize if it ends up on my IPod. Then I heard some girl band (or so I thought) doing the Journey Classic "Don't Stop Believin'"... I was like, huh, who is that, doing that song??? Not that it was bad. So I asked some co-worker, she tells me, "Oh, you probably heard the version from Glee." I'm like, Huh?? What's Glee??? Sounds like a new toothpaste. She says no, it's a TV show, like High School Musical, except it's on TV... Hmm. Whatever. Let me file that under "I'm losing touch with the world, and getting older and less hip every second." And, to those of you who know me, I was never hip to begin with. So, this could be interesting. Although I am watching the Jersey Shore. And let me say briefly, I'm real tired of the whole Sam and Ronnie thing already. Enough. There's so many other lovely sublots developing, let's move it along... And ladies, if you are Sammi, and your boyfriend is Ronnie, and he's barely aware that you are alive, unless it's bedtime... Maybe you should just move on. All the hysterical dramatics are not necessary, and neither is getting back together. Just move on. Really. Save some dignity.
Football related Reality TV Note: Jimmy Johnson is going to be on Survivor. Premieres September 15th on CBS, changing to Wednesday, for no good reason. Yes, THAT Jimmy Johnson. How 'bout Dem Cowboys!!! Heh heh. What's the hair gonna look like after 3 days in the jungle?? Tune in and find out.
Okay, enough of that. Enjoy. And hey, let's be careful out there. And don't forget to have some fun!!
2009 Seasons Champion
Cadillac Pat
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