Hey, don't blame me. Just sayin'. Don't blame me. It's not me. I am not responsible.
Hey, it's working for Brad "Don't Blame Me" Childress, why can't it work for me?!?!?
Seriously, he throws Brett Favre under the bus on Sunday. Really. Really???
Let's back up a second, Brad. YOU were the dude who begged Brett Favre to come to Minnesota. YOU were the limo driver who went and picked up Favre at the airport... You were the one at the press conferences, saying how thrilled you were...
YOU were the one who sent 3 players down there to drag Brett back, in handcufffs if necessary... That was YOU, Brad...
You know who else you were, Brad??? YOU are the guy who signed a big big big phat phat phat contract extension in the offseason. Quoting Vikings Owner Zigi Wilf at the press conference when Brad signed his new deal, “Brad has done a tremendous job leading this football team and we value the positive environment he has created for the Minnesota Vikings on and off the field, He has continued to positively impact this team and create a strong foundation for future success."[11]
Yeah, you Brad, you. Yeah, heavy money. ESPN sources claim it's $5 million a year thru 2013. Plus the original $10 million deal you signed... Not bad. Your grandkids are set for life, dude.
But, let's be clear here Brad, did your amazing coaching get you that contract extension?? Nah. Not really. Did you develop Tavaris Jackson into a star NFL QB?? Nah. Are your offensive schemes and game plans blowing people's minds?? Naahh. Not really.
No. What happened was, Brett Favre came to Minnesota, The team went 12-4, and in November, with the team dominating and Favre under center, you signed a monster contract extension.
Brett Favre got you that contract extension. If Childress trots out Tavaris Jackson, they go 7-9, miss the playoffs.... Fired. No extension for you, buddy boy. NO, Brett Favre GOT YOU that contract extension.
So now, NOW you wanna throw Favre under the bus?? Really?? Now you have the audacity, now that you're set for life, to throw Favre under the bus??? Really? Wow, that's gratitude for you, right there.
Is Favre throwing a lotta picks??? Sure he is, absolutely. That's what Favre does!! If you bring a Toy Poodle into your house, and he steals your bacon cheeseburger and eats it, don't be too frickin' surprised over there. That's what doggies do, they eat bacon cheeseburgers. It's in their nature. It's in Favre's nature to be Favre. He'll make some electrifying throws, and he'll throw some brutal picks...
That's Favre, plain and simple.
It's also not Brad Childress's fault because the officials sucked in that game. Brad said that, and got fined. And yeah, they did suck. Sure. They did. I saw it.
But at some point, you're the head coach. YOU have to take some RESPONSIBILITY for the loss. You had opportunities. Oh by the way, who was that with the red flag in their pocket after the Shiancoe touchdown, that was ruled not a TD, but really was a TD?? That was you, Brad. You could have reviewed that play. That's on you, bud. YOU. You.
And in case he hasn't done enough, he then calls out Bill Belichick and the Patriots, calling them "some of the all-time great signal stealers." Unquote.
Yeah Chilly, that's a great idea. Get the 3 time Super Bowl Champions a little riled up and motivated, coming off their bye, to smack your face in the dirt. It's okay, that won't be your fault either... Not to worry. You signed your extension, now the whole world can go Eff off, I guess....
I forget, how many rings have you won, Chilly??? None, that's right, yeah. But you have a few SB appearances, right?? No. Hmmm. Well, okay, whatever... Keep kicking sand in Bill Belichick's face, dude. I'm sure he's impressed...
What a zoo.
(Vikings fans are now washing down a couple of oxycodone tablets with a water glass full of Grey Goose Vodka. Cheers, Vikings fans!!! Heh heh. Ugh.)
Not that things are much better in Green Bay. Ahhh, not really. Biiig loss coming against the well-rested Jets. Could get out of hand quickly.
How 'bout 'dem Cowboys!!! Heh heh, yeah, not so much.
Actually, that brings me to an intriguing point. I watched the Packer game with a true member of Favre Hating Nation last week. I must tell you, it is surreal to see Packer fans yelling "Kill him!!!! Kill that guy!!! Kill his FACE!!!" whenever the pass rush gets near Mr. Favre. Surreal. This guy did deliver us the Lombardi trophy in 1996, after 25 years of full and complete sucking, of being a total and complete embarrassment... You remember that, right??? And, you're so sure we're not backsliding in that direction under TT and MM, right?? You're sure. Okay, just checking...
Very strange. But anyways, speaking of hating your QB, for all you Tony Romo bashers, you got your wish. He's out for at least 8 weeks. Enjoy Jon Kitna's 6 picks per game, and "give up quick" attitude. He should fit right in on this team. With Wade at the controls, he's the perfect QB. Perfect.
I'll tell you what, would someone go ahead and start the rumor that Jon Gruden is going to take over as Head Coach and GM of the Cowboys??? Someone?? I don't care if you're lying, just give me some hope here, please.... I know, I know, who in their right mind would work for Jerry Jones.... I know....
Huge Michigan State game on on a little while. I got things to do.
Later, people.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Where were we???
Uh huh, let's see, where were we???
Through the magic of computing, and of GMC Trucks, I'm in Florida. The sun is baking the Wisconsin Puppies into a mushy puddle, like melting ice cream. Nice and warm down here...
Anyhoo, I've been so frickin busy, so let's recap:
Congrats to ERIN07 for his big win in week 6. Nice job, buddy. Nice. 11 wins in an upset-packed season like this is amazing...
Why did I have the Bears??? I could swear I raised my right hand and took a vow to never take the Bears again, to never hitch my wagon to Lovie Smith.... Hmmm.
And this week, It's so over already, it's not even funny, SHARPCHEDDAR has it wrapped up, parked in the garage, winterized, battery on the tender.... It's over. Cue Billy Packer: "This game... is OVAH!!" Nice job man. Pack for 16, wow. Hitching your wagon to Mike McCarthy, who after all these years, still looks like a frat brother who showed up at the stadium, and is pacing the sidelines saying "Where's the free beer?? I thought there was gonna be free beer?!?!? WTF??? Look, it says right on this paper I'm holding, free beer..."
Sharpcheddar's 3rd win. Look out. This is his kinda year. Upsets galore.
And I had the Bears again. What am I doing... (shakes head in disgust...) I'm gonna have to enter counseling or something, if I can't keep straight in my head to NEVER TAKE THE BEARS. Yeeesh. Rule #1, look, it's right here on my cheat sheet....
Sadly, I have to get rolling here... This is a historic season. I'm dead last in the season's rank. Never happened before. Sears, stop snickering. Highz, wipe that smirk off your face. You guys better watch it, I'll start trying to pick better...
Through the magic of computing, and of GMC Trucks, I'm in Florida. The sun is baking the Wisconsin Puppies into a mushy puddle, like melting ice cream. Nice and warm down here...
Anyhoo, I've been so frickin busy, so let's recap:
Congrats to ERIN07 for his big win in week 6. Nice job, buddy. Nice. 11 wins in an upset-packed season like this is amazing...
Why did I have the Bears??? I could swear I raised my right hand and took a vow to never take the Bears again, to never hitch my wagon to Lovie Smith.... Hmmm.
And this week, It's so over already, it's not even funny, SHARPCHEDDAR has it wrapped up, parked in the garage, winterized, battery on the tender.... It's over. Cue Billy Packer: "This game... is OVAH!!" Nice job man. Pack for 16, wow. Hitching your wagon to Mike McCarthy, who after all these years, still looks like a frat brother who showed up at the stadium, and is pacing the sidelines saying "Where's the free beer?? I thought there was gonna be free beer?!?!? WTF??? Look, it says right on this paper I'm holding, free beer..."
Sharpcheddar's 3rd win. Look out. This is his kinda year. Upsets galore.
And I had the Bears again. What am I doing... (shakes head in disgust...) I'm gonna have to enter counseling or something, if I can't keep straight in my head to NEVER TAKE THE BEARS. Yeeesh. Rule #1, look, it's right here on my cheat sheet....
Sadly, I have to get rolling here... This is a historic season. I'm dead last in the season's rank. Never happened before. Sears, stop snickering. Highz, wipe that smirk off your face. You guys better watch it, I'll start trying to pick better...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Firing Squad meets tomorrow morning...
Well, as I sit here in front of Eagles - 49ers, I'm scratching my head yet again. More crazy upsets. If San Francisco wins, Sharpcheddar has it, I believe.
If Philly wins, Kathb4 could win outright with a Vikings win, or end up in a tie with a Jets win.
I think. Well, Kevin Kolb looks slightly better than last week. Although, Philly has had their chances here, and they keep punting the ball back... Yeah, go ahead and let the 49ers hang around.
Whoops, just as I say that, McCoy for the Eagles just rumbled 29 yards for a score. 17-7, Eagles, late first half.
I'm kinda shocked by the 16 on the Eagles. I really... I'm trying to comment, and I have nothing. 16?? Really?? Of all the stone cold locks (on paper), you put 16 on the Eagles??? I thought I was a degenerate gambler. Wow. I'm gonna have to go a little deeper into the degenerate playbook...
Half the games today were straight up upsets. Not covers mind you, but upsets. Unreal.
Headline: "Packers say QB Aaron Rodgers got concussion" Huh. I like Rodgers, I have no problem... but I'm really really starting to think that he really doesn't have that "come from behind" genetics in him. Tight game, late, I have no feeling that he's gonna lead a scoring drive. None. Proceeds to throw a pick in overtime... Not good. It's not good. He's a first-half wonder. I see all these stats about how great he is in the red zone, and breakdowns... I'd love to see his stats, first half vs second half.
Kevin Kolb, sacked, fumble, 49ers recover. But can they do anything?? Seems unlikely. Okay wait, nice pass to Crabtree, 10 seconds to go, in field goal range... Alex Smith tries to throw a pick, not picked. Field goal team coming on. Joe Nedney, from 40. Bad miss to the right. Again people, if the young men in your life are not kicking, well,I've got nothing for you.
Headline: "4 Saints Turnovers Lead to Arizona Upset". Ugh. I dunno about you, but I'm starting to lose that loving feeling towards the Saints. Points will be adjusted in upcoming weeks. You go out to the desert, to face an undrafted rookie QB... As the feature goes on ESPN: C'mon, Man!!!!
Cowboys at 1-3. It's enough now. Jason Garrett, Wade Phillips, bring 'em out, give them a blindfold and a cigarette.... It's over. It is way past time to move on. At home, coming off a bye, 2 frickin' weeks to get ready. That's it. In my Cowboys notebook, I just wrote "season over", and closed the book. I'm putting the notebook in my bookcase, I'll get it back out when a new head coach is named.
Packers: Season Over. Let's fast forward in time here, to January, when Uncle Tedly will give an interview following the Packer's 6-10 season, and say "I'm not going to use injuries as an excuse, but they definitely were a factor in our disappointing season." Yeah, flash for ya Ted, so were the plethora of penalties, the myriad of problems on our offensive line, and the continuing and ongoing suckitude of our special teams. To say nothing of our pathetic running game. I've often said that Ryan Grant is not a feature back, he shouldn't be our starter, we shouldn't have paid him. I stand by that. We've needed a running back for at least 14 months. And, uh, another flash for ya Ted: signing a back who was cut from someone else's practice squad is not what I'd call a big move to rectify the problem, in the midst of a Super Bowl run...
That's not what I call being a General Manager. That's what I call "keeping the seat warm".
God God, I was distracted there, during some research. Little web commercial, Captain Morgan Presents Marissa Miller, First Mate. Gadzooks, the World's Number One, in a Captain Morgan Commercial. Heh, nice. Yahoo sports, if you care to see that... and I know you do. Okay, some of you do. Ahem, anyway...
Detroit 44, St. Louis 6. Hey, they're off the schneid!!! Really, we know they beat the Bears, the almost deserved to beat the Packers. They could have 3 wins right now.
Fast forward to 14:00 left in the 4th quarter, Alex Smith, a brutal fumble, returned for a TD for the Eagles. Kick back to the 49ers, Alex Smith clearly rattled, 49ers home fans heavily booing, heavily booing... Now chanting "We want Carr!!!". Ugh. Could it get any uglier?? Seriously, this home crowd is ready to storm the field and tear Mike Singletary into a million pieces..
I'm writing "game over" in my notebook and going to bed. Mike Singletary, go ahead and report with Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett. You're done.
I'm back, and it's Monday Night. Kathb4 just became a huge Vikings fan... And Sharpcheddar is pulling hard for Rex Ryan and the Jets.
Eagles win. Yeah, Mike Singletary, go ahead and join those guys, deffinitely. Or put David Carr in. Do something, dude.
Well, huge game tonight. Huge.
Before I go, you might want to take a look at jennsterger.net... Fan site for Jenn Sterger, the Brett Favre texting girl. I viewed this for research purposes only, of course... And based on my research, Mr. Favre has bigger problems than Roger Goodell. Roger Goodell is not going to move out of his house and take half his money. Capisce?? Yeah. Exactly.
Also, you might go on youtube and do a search for "captain morgan marisa miller" and see what you come up with... As long as it's raining in New York, and there's no football.
If Philly wins, Kathb4 could win outright with a Vikings win, or end up in a tie with a Jets win.
I think. Well, Kevin Kolb looks slightly better than last week. Although, Philly has had their chances here, and they keep punting the ball back... Yeah, go ahead and let the 49ers hang around.
Whoops, just as I say that, McCoy for the Eagles just rumbled 29 yards for a score. 17-7, Eagles, late first half.
I'm kinda shocked by the 16 on the Eagles. I really... I'm trying to comment, and I have nothing. 16?? Really?? Of all the stone cold locks (on paper), you put 16 on the Eagles??? I thought I was a degenerate gambler. Wow. I'm gonna have to go a little deeper into the degenerate playbook...
Half the games today were straight up upsets. Not covers mind you, but upsets. Unreal.
Headline: "Packers say QB Aaron Rodgers got concussion" Huh. I like Rodgers, I have no problem... but I'm really really starting to think that he really doesn't have that "come from behind" genetics in him. Tight game, late, I have no feeling that he's gonna lead a scoring drive. None. Proceeds to throw a pick in overtime... Not good. It's not good. He's a first-half wonder. I see all these stats about how great he is in the red zone, and breakdowns... I'd love to see his stats, first half vs second half.
Kevin Kolb, sacked, fumble, 49ers recover. But can they do anything?? Seems unlikely. Okay wait, nice pass to Crabtree, 10 seconds to go, in field goal range... Alex Smith tries to throw a pick, not picked. Field goal team coming on. Joe Nedney, from 40. Bad miss to the right. Again people, if the young men in your life are not kicking, well,I've got nothing for you.
Headline: "4 Saints Turnovers Lead to Arizona Upset". Ugh. I dunno about you, but I'm starting to lose that loving feeling towards the Saints. Points will be adjusted in upcoming weeks. You go out to the desert, to face an undrafted rookie QB... As the feature goes on ESPN: C'mon, Man!!!!
Cowboys at 1-3. It's enough now. Jason Garrett, Wade Phillips, bring 'em out, give them a blindfold and a cigarette.... It's over. It is way past time to move on. At home, coming off a bye, 2 frickin' weeks to get ready. That's it. In my Cowboys notebook, I just wrote "season over", and closed the book. I'm putting the notebook in my bookcase, I'll get it back out when a new head coach is named.
Packers: Season Over. Let's fast forward in time here, to January, when Uncle Tedly will give an interview following the Packer's 6-10 season, and say "I'm not going to use injuries as an excuse, but they definitely were a factor in our disappointing season." Yeah, flash for ya Ted, so were the plethora of penalties, the myriad of problems on our offensive line, and the continuing and ongoing suckitude of our special teams. To say nothing of our pathetic running game. I've often said that Ryan Grant is not a feature back, he shouldn't be our starter, we shouldn't have paid him. I stand by that. We've needed a running back for at least 14 months. And, uh, another flash for ya Ted: signing a back who was cut from someone else's practice squad is not what I'd call a big move to rectify the problem, in the midst of a Super Bowl run...
That's not what I call being a General Manager. That's what I call "keeping the seat warm".
God God, I was distracted there, during some research. Little web commercial, Captain Morgan Presents Marissa Miller, First Mate. Gadzooks, the World's Number One, in a Captain Morgan Commercial. Heh, nice. Yahoo sports, if you care to see that... and I know you do. Okay, some of you do. Ahem, anyway...
Detroit 44, St. Louis 6. Hey, they're off the schneid!!! Really, we know they beat the Bears, the almost deserved to beat the Packers. They could have 3 wins right now.
Fast forward to 14:00 left in the 4th quarter, Alex Smith, a brutal fumble, returned for a TD for the Eagles. Kick back to the 49ers, Alex Smith clearly rattled, 49ers home fans heavily booing, heavily booing... Now chanting "We want Carr!!!". Ugh. Could it get any uglier?? Seriously, this home crowd is ready to storm the field and tear Mike Singletary into a million pieces..
I'm writing "game over" in my notebook and going to bed. Mike Singletary, go ahead and report with Wade Phillips and Jason Garrett. You're done.
I'm back, and it's Monday Night. Kathb4 just became a huge Vikings fan... And Sharpcheddar is pulling hard for Rex Ryan and the Jets.
Eagles win. Yeah, Mike Singletary, go ahead and join those guys, deffinitely. Or put David Carr in. Do something, dude.
Well, huge game tonight. Huge.
Before I go, you might want to take a look at jennsterger.net... Fan site for Jenn Sterger, the Brett Favre texting girl. I viewed this for research purposes only, of course... And based on my research, Mr. Favre has bigger problems than Roger Goodell. Roger Goodell is not going to move out of his house and take half his money. Capisce?? Yeah. Exactly.
Also, you might go on youtube and do a search for "captain morgan marisa miller" and see what you come up with... As long as it's raining in New York, and there's no football.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Another Brick in the wall....
Well, as I sit here in front of Patriots - Dolphins, I see that Sharpcheddar and Badgergil appear to be the two players with a real shot here... good luck fellas.
KathB4, aka "The Doc", having a nice week.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this... KathB4 is also in a college football pool, with other people. Last week she was tied for first, in a pool of 1023 people. Not. Too. Shabby. Actually, it's insane. Nice job!!!
Feel free to send me your sick gambling exploits. I love great gambling stories. Tell me how you hit that killer 3 team teaser... Whatever. If it's epic enough, I'll share it here...
Not the most impressive Packer Victory I ever saw... These Lions are fiesty. They coulda won that game. The Packers may not be who we were led to believe they were... I don't have that Super Bowl feeling after the last two weeks....
The Bears, on the other hand, were who we thought they were. And then some. Ugh. Jay Cutler was who we thought he was. Somehow, despite all I hear about the Packers D, we certainly didn't feast on the Chicago offensive line like the Giants and Cowboys did.
At the 5:00 minute mark in the second quarter, am I starting to sense that these Patriots may have a problem??? Got the pick, but only got 3 out of it. 7-3, Dolphins. Hmm.
I just realized that we have a battle of Michigan QB's here. Brady of course had a very decorated careerr with the Michigan Wolverines, and Chad Henne was their QB as well, fairly recently.
Okay, 2 huge defensive stops... Whoops, pass interference on 3rd and ten, another first down for Miami. Wow.
Ricky Williams running wild in the secondary.... ugh.
Okay, Ninkovich gets his second pick of the half... Maybe these Patriots have a shot. First two picks of his career, right there...
At the half, Miami 7, Patriots 6. Hmm. Patriots will receive in the second half.
OMG, will they ever!!! Opening kickoff, Tate runs the kick back 103 yards for the TD!!! Whoa.
Whoops, fell asleep. I'll spare the readers the ten pages of "sssssssssssssssss" where my hand fell asleep on the "s" key... Heh heh... What can I say, they're trying to kill me at work. Sent me to communist Madison to report... what a thrill. Let me set the stage, the CO I report to is situated between a check cashing center and a liquor store, a block off the highway. Heh heh, yeah, the neighborhood, ummm, yeah, uhh, let's just say, it could be better. Not exactly where one might choose to park one's mint Escalade... To say nothing of the extra 60 frickin' miles a day I have to drive.
Ahh, I was so excited when I got this job, back in November of 1999... It's taken them awhile, but I can safely say right now they've beaten the life out of me. Driving to Madison yesterday, there was some insane thick fog on the interstate... I'm following a semi, maybe 6 car lengths, whoosh, he disappears. That'd be about right. They've been trying to kill me for years, if I got killed on the way to work, that would be a fitting capstone to my experience here with this employer.
Anyways, what happened with that football game??? There were a few interested parties, Sharpcheddar and Badgergil. Hold on, checking....
Wow, Patriots sepcial teams came alive in the second half, apparently. 41-14, Pats.
Tom Brady again etches himself into the record books, fastest to 100 career wins. Nice job buddy. Jon Gruden during the game says "If I could be anyone else, I'd wanna be Tom Brady. This guy HAS IT ALL!!!!" Well said. I love Gruden.
In case you don't get what he means by "has it all", this is Brady's GF, Gisele Bundchen:

Congrats to Badgergil. Second week in a row, he scores the big win. Nice job man.
Sharpcheddar and the Big Headed Holy Rollers each had ten correct picks. No easy task, with upsets flying everywhere. This could be Sharpcheddar's kind of year, he loooves the upset.
Let's look at a few headlines, then I gotta go.
"Vick expects to miss a week, maybe two" Yeah, that's no good. Did you SEE Kevin Kolb in that game??? Whoa. Eagles fans hopefully had a wastebasket with a plastic liner handy while they watched THAT debacle. After THAT horrific absurdity, Andy Reid himself is personally duct-taping Mike Vick's chest back together as we speak.
"Lovie: Cutler seems okay" Uhhh, you mean, as okay as he ever is?? Or is that more like, compared to our backups, Cutler at 60% is better than they are?? If Cutler is okay, does that mean he turns back into his usual interception-throwing self??
"Sam Bradford Sails Through First Month" No kidding. He may well be in football purgatory, but he has played great. Won his last 2. On a bad team, with serious O-line issues. Rather amazing. We may never fully appreciate his talents.
Anyways, good luck next week!!!
KathB4, aka "The Doc", having a nice week.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this... KathB4 is also in a college football pool, with other people. Last week she was tied for first, in a pool of 1023 people. Not. Too. Shabby. Actually, it's insane. Nice job!!!
Feel free to send me your sick gambling exploits. I love great gambling stories. Tell me how you hit that killer 3 team teaser... Whatever. If it's epic enough, I'll share it here...
Not the most impressive Packer Victory I ever saw... These Lions are fiesty. They coulda won that game. The Packers may not be who we were led to believe they were... I don't have that Super Bowl feeling after the last two weeks....
The Bears, on the other hand, were who we thought they were. And then some. Ugh. Jay Cutler was who we thought he was. Somehow, despite all I hear about the Packers D, we certainly didn't feast on the Chicago offensive line like the Giants and Cowboys did.
At the 5:00 minute mark in the second quarter, am I starting to sense that these Patriots may have a problem??? Got the pick, but only got 3 out of it. 7-3, Dolphins. Hmm.
I just realized that we have a battle of Michigan QB's here. Brady of course had a very decorated careerr with the Michigan Wolverines, and Chad Henne was their QB as well, fairly recently.
Okay, 2 huge defensive stops... Whoops, pass interference on 3rd and ten, another first down for Miami. Wow.
Ricky Williams running wild in the secondary.... ugh.
Okay, Ninkovich gets his second pick of the half... Maybe these Patriots have a shot. First two picks of his career, right there...
At the half, Miami 7, Patriots 6. Hmm. Patriots will receive in the second half.
OMG, will they ever!!! Opening kickoff, Tate runs the kick back 103 yards for the TD!!! Whoa.
Whoops, fell asleep. I'll spare the readers the ten pages of "sssssssssssssssss" where my hand fell asleep on the "s" key... Heh heh... What can I say, they're trying to kill me at work. Sent me to communist Madison to report... what a thrill. Let me set the stage, the CO I report to is situated between a check cashing center and a liquor store, a block off the highway. Heh heh, yeah, the neighborhood, ummm, yeah, uhh, let's just say, it could be better. Not exactly where one might choose to park one's mint Escalade... To say nothing of the extra 60 frickin' miles a day I have to drive.
Ahh, I was so excited when I got this job, back in November of 1999... It's taken them awhile, but I can safely say right now they've beaten the life out of me. Driving to Madison yesterday, there was some insane thick fog on the interstate... I'm following a semi, maybe 6 car lengths, whoosh, he disappears. That'd be about right. They've been trying to kill me for years, if I got killed on the way to work, that would be a fitting capstone to my experience here with this employer.
Anyways, what happened with that football game??? There were a few interested parties, Sharpcheddar and Badgergil. Hold on, checking....
Wow, Patriots sepcial teams came alive in the second half, apparently. 41-14, Pats.
Tom Brady again etches himself into the record books, fastest to 100 career wins. Nice job buddy. Jon Gruden during the game says "If I could be anyone else, I'd wanna be Tom Brady. This guy HAS IT ALL!!!!" Well said. I love Gruden.
In case you don't get what he means by "has it all", this is Brady's GF, Gisele Bundchen:

Congrats to Badgergil. Second week in a row, he scores the big win. Nice job man.
Sharpcheddar and the Big Headed Holy Rollers each had ten correct picks. No easy task, with upsets flying everywhere. This could be Sharpcheddar's kind of year, he loooves the upset.
Let's look at a few headlines, then I gotta go.
"Vick expects to miss a week, maybe two" Yeah, that's no good. Did you SEE Kevin Kolb in that game??? Whoa. Eagles fans hopefully had a wastebasket with a plastic liner handy while they watched THAT debacle. After THAT horrific absurdity, Andy Reid himself is personally duct-taping Mike Vick's chest back together as we speak.
"Lovie: Cutler seems okay" Uhhh, you mean, as okay as he ever is?? Or is that more like, compared to our backups, Cutler at 60% is better than they are?? If Cutler is okay, does that mean he turns back into his usual interception-throwing self??
"Sam Bradford Sails Through First Month" No kidding. He may well be in football purgatory, but he has played great. Won his last 2. On a bad team, with serious O-line issues. Rather amazing. We may never fully appreciate his talents.
Anyways, good luck next week!!!
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