I keep telling myself I'm gonna do better at this... I'm too frickin' busy at the moment. Whirlwind trip to Las Vegas was just concluded.... Awesome.
So, week 8: Phanatic Philly Phan!!! What?!?!? Dude, there's a 6 week waiting period, before you can win a week. Oh wait, he paid in full, I guess he made the waiting period.
Heh heh. Okay, kidding. Nice job man. Nice. I gotta say, I don't appreciate some new guy coming in and winning the money.... I might actually have to try and pick better....
Week 9: KathB4!!! Wow. With Da Bears on her sheet, no less. Wow. Ardita might not be the lone Bears believer in the pool anymore. A shocking development.
This seems somehow appropriate, because the Pitching Staff of Men goes up in 2 days. Two! It's going up. I'm not kidding. This would be KathB4's personal pitching staff. Feedback will be welcome, I will forward it along, you can trash talk to your hearts contentment.
Cheerleader Update:

This is Heather, of the 49ers. Her Team Bio says she's a Chemical Engineer who graduated from MIT, and works in battery development. Wow. I could have great chemistry with her.... Aww, come on, that joke was so obvious, I had to do it.
Sure sign you're getting older:

This is Sarah, the "Rock Girl" for the local Rock Station.... You know you're getting older when you look at that picture and say "Oooh, I like that bike... A nice Custom Softail there...."
I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. Bikes, I can afford. A little tip for the younger readers out there: girls like that, you can't afford. You can't afford the up-front price, and you surely can't afford the upkeep. Keep that in mind...
I had Texas A&M in my college football pool, trying for the upset. They racked up over 600 yards of offense... And lost. Ouch.
Okay people, seriously, TAKE NOTE: THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL starts this week with Oakland at San Diego. Get those picks IN!!! Or set your autopick options. Whatever. Get 'em in!!
Sunday afternoon, New York Giants at San Francisco. Huge game. Eli must have borrowed a horseshoe, and duct taped it to his butt.... I've never seen so many picks dropped, rolling on the grass.... Should I be worried about the Patriots?? Is it time to stop blindly taking them every week??? Is there some reason the Patriots can't beat the Giants??? I'm already getting a headache just thinking about it...
Monday Night Football: Minnesota at Green Bay.
Big weekend coming up. I should just pre-call in sick Tuesday right now. No way that's gonna go well, showing up Tuesday Morning....
TV Update: They had Tom Landry on "A Football Life" last week, pretty decent. Next week is Al Davis, so set your DVR for that, to be sure. Mike Ditka, a guy I'm not a big fan of, actually had some kind words about Tom Landry... He said "Everybody said I was washed up, and he brought me in and let me play tight end for The Dallas Cowboys, and we won a Super Bowl, and that changed my life. Then when I was out of football, and nobody thought I could coach, he brought me in to be an assistant coach on his staff, and that changed my life again! Everything I ever did, all the things me and my family enjoyed, it was 'cause Tom Landry gave me a chance, twice." For a guy who a lot of players claimed to hate, there wasn't a dry eye in the room at his funeral. Even the great Roger Staubach was pretty unceremoniously dumped, and yet there he is at Landry's funeral, bawling his face off.... Kinda crazy to think Lombardi and Landry were Giants assistant coaches at the same time, but they were.... that's a lotta football genius in one place... If you're not watching these, seriously, set your DVR and start. Well worth your time.
Alright, Get your picks in and good luck. We've just passed the half way post, believe it or not.
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