Badgergil has gone back to back!!! Whaa?? I'm not kidding. The very tricky back to back repeat. Congrats to that lucky bas-.. I mean, congrats for some great picking there.....
Gregslo threatened to go to an autopick on the phone with me a couple weeks ago, and I guess he wasn't bluffing.....

How about those Pesky Rams, coming off a bye, going on the road with their new head coach, and getting a big win over the Redskins, who people were starting to pencil in for the NFC East Title.... I would have bet my house on a straight up win by the Redskins.... And thank God I didn't. Just a reminder kids, if you're gonna gamble, never never bet more than you can afford to lose, no matter how solid a lock it looks like....

How about dem Cowboys?!?!? Whoops... Ouch. Blocked punt. Wow, where's the Tylenol?? Man, the hated Redskins lose, and the Cowboys drop one too. I heard Chris Landry last night on Fox Sports Radio (142 XM), who is a scout, and I generally love his opinions, he has a ton of great insights. His take (not word for word, okay purists, but to my best 1 AM recollection) : "On film, this team is starting to look a little undercoached to me. They have a fine defensive coordinator as their head coach, a fine linebackers coach for their deffensive coordinator, and a fine quarterbacks (pronounced qua-tah-bahcks, with the southern accent) coach as their offensive coordinator..." Ouch.

Hey everyone, meet Tom Cable, new Head Coach for The Raiders. Hey Tom. Good luck, buddy. At the end of the first quarter, they were leading 3 to nothing. Unfortunately, football is 4 quarters per game. Your final, Saints 34, Raiders 3. Oops. "Obviously, not the start we were hoping for," said Cable. I guess not, no...
Lane Kiffen's Agent and Lawyer have come out of the woodwork, too, by the way, in case you were feeling bad for young Lane.... I'd be shocked if he didn't get paid. But then, I'm shocked more & more often, these days.... at many things.
Atlanta beat the stupid stinking Bears in a miracle finish too... Truly. Bears go ahead on a late touchdown. Kyle Orton actually looked like a QB for a minute there... Ahead by 1, the ridiculously lucky Bears kick off... On the ensuing kickoff, the Falcons run it back to almost midfield, if memory serves. Which is unreal, but the long return runs the clock down to a measly 6 seconds. 6 seconds, what can they do in 6 seconds?? How about a long pass to the sidelines, guy falls out of bounds, there is 1 second left on the clock. The Vaunted Bears Defense (VBD)leaves this guy alone on the sidelines with 6 seconds left in the ballgame. Unreal. Isn't that Football 101, cover the sidelines on D with the clock running down??? Not in Chicago it ain't. Lovie Smith, Defensive Genius. Falcons bring out their kicker, Field Goal is good as time expires, see you later.
Matt Ryan, Falcons rookie QB, looks like the real deal, by the way. With 6 seconds to go, he was cool as a cucumber....
Well, good luck next week!!!
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