VBS and Sharpcheddar will be more than passive observers... good luck fellas.
The rest of us, ehhh, not so much....
So much drama in Dallas, it's hard to sum it up in less than 100 pages. Another ridiculous loss, for starters. To the Rams!! The Rams! Break up the Rams, they're 2-0 in the last 2 weeks!!!

Yeah, that's not what you want to see, as a Cowboys fan...

As a pre-cursor to firing a coach, an Owner / GM must first give him the obligatory "vote of confidence"... They always do, seriously. So, you'll be glad to know that this morning Jerry Jones says he has "No plans to replace Wade Phillips."
So, Wade, you may want to just hold off on mailing in that house payment....

Will the real Green Bay Packers please stand up??? Wow. Dismantling the Indianapolis Colts... Whew. Didn't this team get schooled by the powerhouse Atlanta Falcons a couple weeks ago?? Did they switch uniforms before the game?? Wow.
They're saying Brett Favre "called the Lions" and tried to give them ideas how to beat the Packers.... and people are all upset. Let's just settle down, kids. Charges of tampering were swirling around the Vikings, and that turned out to be squat, so let's hold the phone. For starters, if the Lions attended a Packers practice, would it help any?? Second, what could Brett tell them anyways?? These teams go thru these games films with a microscope, like analyzing the Zapruder film... Is there really anything there they haven't seen??? Why would he do it, anyway??? To embarrass Tedly Thompson??? Tedly embarrasses himself every time he drives in to work, he doesn't need any help..... How's that new punter, that Frost kid workin' out, eh Ted??? How's the search for a new punter going??? Yeah, I thought so...
The Raiders won a game!!! Tom "Fix My" Cable could retire right now, and have a .500 record as coach of the Raiders, and have by far the best winning percentage of their last, ohh, I dunno, 5 coaches?? Okay, so it was an overtime super-long field goal (56 or so, I think?), but hey, they won. They don't look good. That game had "tie" written all over it. Sebastian Janikowski can now add "longest game winning field goal in overtime history" to his trophy case... Take it, dude. There's no Super Bowl in your future....
Alright people, 7 weeks down. By now, I should have a clue what's going on in this league... And yet, I still don't know!!!
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