His Third Weekly Win?!?!? Insane.
Just out of curiousity, when you sell your soul to the devil, does he take a piece of your soul each month, like a car payment, or does he take the whole thing right away???
Wow. Okay, just kidding. Seriously, great picking there...
(And while I grumble to myself in general discontentment, RONFIC sighs in relief that someone was worse than he was....)
Well, the season standings are taking shape... Leo Woods, Elusive, Sears, Gregslo... All past season's champs, all fixtures year in and year out in the season standings... So, I guess it IS POSSIBLE to pick these games...
Naaah, I'm joking. I won the season twice. I'm in a little cold streak. I'm gonna come back strong... you guys better check your mirrors, you're gonna see my Grille Badge coming fast...
Pittsburgh, pulling out the win... I swear, there's suspects being questioned in LA County who haven't taken the beating Roethlesberger has taken this year...
Wow. That was a cheap shot, right there. Okay, my apologies to the brave men and women who toil thanklessly in LA County Law Enforcement...
Ya know, it's election day!!! Wow, it just kind of snuck up on me, I didn't even realize. I'm gonna have to go on the web and try to find something out about these candidates.... Heh heh heh, obviously joking. Whew. Steve Czaban had an idea this morning, Just put a hard starting line of Jan 1, 2008, and go. If you say ONE WORD about running prior to Jan 1, pow, you're out. This 2.5 years of running, it's a little much.... Barack barely threw his blazer over the back of his Senate Chair, and he walked out and started running for Prez... it's a little much...
Well, tomorrow, one of two things is going to happen.
1. In television newsrooms, newspaper offices, editorial meetings rooms, and the like, people will be partying like there's no tomorrow, wearing lampshades, pouring champagne on each other, and drinking Grey Goose straight out of the bottle....
2. In television newsrooms, newspaper offices, editorial meetings rooms, and the like, cleaning crews will be called in to mop the blood off the floor and scrape people's brains off the walls and ceilings from the mass suicides....
Now, you know what I'm talking about, without me even saying it.... so could we finally put this absurd urban myth to bed about the "unbiased" media that's spoonfeeding opinions to the american public, masquerading as "balanced coverage"??? Really, even the blindest fans of a football team know when they're getting the calls, right?? Of course you do. The Packers were getting the calls in that Indy game. Even true Green and Gold believers will give you that with no argument.
That's my soapbox editorial for today. You get one vote. Use it.
And if you're really worried about it, go ahead and get a Springfield Armory XD-M .40, and a Bushmaster M4, and some gold coins, and some frozen pizzas, and some Campbell's soup, and rest easy!!! Heh heh heh... kidding. Seriously, we've survived assasination of a sitting president, we've survived impeachments, non-impeachments... we'll survive whatever we get tomorrow, I'm sure....
Better yet, take all that money and buy yourself a Cadillac, or a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.... it'll do wonders for your mental health. I'm speaking from experience here...
And as always, good luck next week, people!!
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