A ha. Packer Nation, I present you with The Prophet of Doom....
Congrats first off to KathB4, her second win of the year.
She joins VBS (4 wins) and Badgergil (4 wins) as the only multiple winners this season.

There's so much one could say about this game. So much. For the record, obviously my week in this pool was dead, but I did have the Packers in a different pool, and it would have done wonders for me to get that win. Wonders. Like, if "Wonders" is a synonym for "pay me a ton of money".
Yeah. So I had my expectations bolted to the floor, clearly. But then, late in the 3rd, the bolts loosened up, and I started to believe the Packers could win the game... Despite my best attempts to innoculate myself against that. Ouch. What a gut punch THAT turned out to be....
(Using his right hand to support his aching head, he shakes another handful of painkillers out on the desk, picks one, and chews it up like a Flinstones vitamin...)
I will say, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed Jaworski and Kornheiser's repeated blastations of the Bears super-lame effort. Midway through the second, an expasperated Jaws says "The Bears just need to WAKE UP!!" End of the first half, Kornheiser gets off this double-barrelled shotgun blast: "The Bears are fighting for their playoff lives, at home, against a rival opponent, who has nothing to play for, and this is the kind of effort we're seeing?"
Loved it. At least someone finally clued in on the fact that the Chcago Bears are no good. At all. Kyle Orton's QB rating was in the 40's last night. The frickin' 40's!!! With 2 picks!! And we couldn't win. Ted Thompson, pick up the white courtesy telephone.... Yeesh.
And to Minnysoda fans.... sorry. What can I say. With any luck, the Giants will sit everyone this week, and you will get in. The Giants, win or lose, can't change their playoff positioning, so, I would think rest is in order.... but you never know what the perpetually constipated Tom Coughlin might do... He's the kind of guy who might order an airstrike on his own practice facility, and hide out in the jungle.... (shamless reference to Colonel Kurtz, sorry).
All kidding and BS aside, HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Seriously, be safe out there, drive safe, have some fun, be smart, and enjoy. We all have much to be thankful for... Don't blow your whole life by getting popped for a DUI.... Or by wiping out and killing yourself on an ice-packed highway full of morons.... Take it easy out there.
Merry Christmas. My best wishes to you and your families.
Best Holiday Wishes in Football;
Cadillac Pat
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