New player FLORIDA BOYS takes it!!! In a tiebreaker, no less?!?!? Are you kidding me?!?!? Insane.

Also, we will note for the record that KATHB4 and FLORIDA BOYS know each other, so I guarantee there were some emails and phone calls exchanged after THAT one....

And what can we say about AIR MYLES??? He was in total control, right up until he put 14 freakin points on the Raiders... Yikes. This week's "What was he THINKING" award has to go to Air Myles. Sorry.
I know, I can hear you out there... "They almost won!!" Yeah. I was almost married to Giselle Bunchden, too....Until that rotten quarterback dude showed up...
Runner up for the "What was he THINKING" Award has to go to Sears... 10 points on the Dallas Cowboys?? Change your password dude, I think someone stole yours, logged in, and changed your points... Undoubtedly the reason my point total is higher than yours...
(is that reverse trash talking?? Maybe...)
Jay Cutler, the great white hope in Chicago... uh huh. 40 QB rating for the game, 4 picks. Bill Simmons (of ESPN's Page 2) summed up Jay Cutler best: "He looks like a spoiled trust fund kid throwing a tantrum because the valet at the restaurant just put a scratch in the finish of his new Escalade Hybrid." Well said.
And to add insult to injury, Kyle Orton is 1-0 in Denver... heh heh heh...
Mark Tauscher, pick up the white courtesy telephone, Uncle Tedly on the line... Yeah, I wish. Yikes. What's the over/under on when Rodgers goes down for the year, week 4?? Week 6?? Give me the under, behind this O-line.
Does anyone else wonder why Edgerrin James sat at home for months as a free agent, while Green Bay had Ryan Grant as their "featured" back??? I wonder about these things...
The Las Vegas over/under on Jets wins was 7... They have one already! So much for Houston being improved this year.
I'm also breathing a huge sigh of relief today, since in a Survivor pool I'm in, I had the New England Patriots for week one. Whew. That would have been ugly. Last year, I was bounced in week one with the New Orleans Saints. 2 consecutive week one exits would have had me rummaging through the medicine cabinet, looking for loose painkillers...
Okay, Congrats to FLORIDA BOYS. I broke my own rule, I recruited people who were better pickers than me. I keep telling everyone, recruit some REALLY STUPID people, who know nothing about football.... Ahh, I'm kidding, it's week one, for cripes sakes....
We shall lick our wounds, and continue with style into week 2....
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