Well, the Regular Season is over. They just fly by, don't they?? Amazing. A Baseball Season lasts 3 years, I think...
Anyways, Congrats go out to air Myles for his week 16 win. 3rd win of the Season for Air Myles. Wow. Nice job. Only person to win 3 weeks.
Congrats also go out to Elusive, for his week 17 win. Nice job man! He had the perfect paper going for awhile there... That was intersting to see.
The season battle was quite a spectacle. The Sears / Ardita / Leo Woods / Elusive combo has been trading the top spot for weeks. In the end, it was ARDITA. Unbelievable. Last year's Season Champion REPEATS as champion again. Unreal. Apparently, the crown was not too heavy after all. Nice job man. Congrats.
Congrats also go out to Elusive, for his 2nd place finish. Huge final week for Ardita and Elusive. Possibly the hardest week of the year to pick, and they made it look easy.
And obviously congrats go out to Sears, for his 3rd place finish. I've already received the email from Sears, detailing his disgust at falling from 1st to third in one week. Still a great finish though. I was in fifth at around week 15, and started picking crazy, and took myself right out of it. The Cowboys complete implosion didn't help me a bit. Ugh.
Checks will be going out shortly.
Cheerleader Update: These cheerleader updates have worn me out. Seriously, pouring through pictures of cheerleaders, night after night, trying to find just the right ones, to thematically complete the blog... It's not easy. Grueling, backbreaking work... God, if I have to look at another picture of a cheerleader.....

Well, the Team may have imploded, and splattered on the ground like that P-51 at the air show in spring, but The Cowboys still have the cheerleaders...

The Cardinals season is over, but they still have Cheerleaders too...

If the Dolphins hire Jeff Fischer, she might have something to cheer about....

This young lady still has some work to do... Denver is in the Playoffs!!! I know, they have no chance against Pittsburgh. Just like Seattle had no chance against the Saints last year...

Good call on the Jacket and Chaps... It's cold this time of year....
Moving right along, I like to do this every year. Take a look at the picking records in our pool, and compare them to the highly paid punditocracy out there, and see how we stack up....
Mike Silver of Yahoo Sports 176-80
Erin07 174-82
Florida Boys 171-85
Elusive 170-86
Les Carpenter of Yahoo Sports 170-86
Sears 169-87
Leo Woods 168-88
Wickersham of ESPN 167-89
Schlereth of ESPN 167-89
Sharpcheddar 166-90
KathB4 165-91
The normally very good
Chris Mortensen of ESPN 155-101
So, in a very tough year to pick, again we had many pickers as good or better than the highly paid analysts. Nice job to everyone. Leaving out people who missed a week for whatever reason, nobody in our pool was as bad as Chris Mortensen. Nobody. So, pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.
KathB4 and I wish everyone the best and brightest for the New Year.
I may publish a few more of these, with some of my locks of the week in the playoffs. If you took my advice, you would have made money the last 2 years. Sadly, the internet has sort of been shut down for sports betting. bovada.lv is supposedly taking action. I would advise you to keep cashing out, and keep your balance low, if possible. This is not an endorsement of any website or any activity. Proceed at your own risk. I take no responsibility for anything. There's a disclaimer for ya!
If you have friends that want to come in next year, I'll send something out next summer, they can come in.
Best Regards in Football
Cadillac Pat
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