Monday, October 25, 2010

Where were we???

Uh huh, let's see, where were we???

Through the magic of computing, and of GMC Trucks, I'm in Florida. The sun is baking the Wisconsin Puppies into a mushy puddle, like melting ice cream. Nice and warm down here...

Anyhoo, I've been so frickin busy, so let's recap:

Congrats to ERIN07 for his big win in week 6. Nice job, buddy. Nice. 11 wins in an upset-packed season like this is amazing...

Why did I have the Bears??? I could swear I raised my right hand and took a vow to never take the Bears again, to never hitch my wagon to Lovie Smith.... Hmmm.

And this week, It's so over already, it's not even funny, SHARPCHEDDAR has it wrapped up, parked in the garage, winterized, battery on the tender.... It's over. Cue Billy Packer: "This game... is OVAH!!" Nice job man. Pack for 16, wow. Hitching your wagon to Mike McCarthy, who after all these years, still looks like a frat brother who showed up at the stadium, and is pacing the sidelines saying "Where's the free beer?? I thought there was gonna be free beer?!?!? WTF??? Look, it says right on this paper I'm holding, free beer..."

Sharpcheddar's 3rd win. Look out. This is his kinda year. Upsets galore.

And I had the Bears again. What am I doing... (shakes head in disgust...) I'm gonna have to enter counseling or something, if I can't keep straight in my head to NEVER TAKE THE BEARS. Yeeesh. Rule #1, look, it's right here on my cheat sheet....

Sadly, I have to get rolling here... This is a historic season. I'm dead last in the season's rank. Never happened before. Sears, stop snickering. Highz, wipe that smirk off your face. You guys better watch it, I'll start trying to pick better...

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