Anyways, putting on an amazing burst at the end, KathB4 goes back to back to close the season out. Back to back!! Nice job.
Recapping the season, we have:
4 wins - VBS and Badgergil
3 Wins - KathB4
1 Win - Elusive, Sears, Sharpcheddar, Erin07, Patrick686, and Smitty201
Hopefully that adds up to 17 weeks....
After week One, I printed out the season standing, to use as a crib sheet, and the leaders after week one were perennial powers Elusive, Gregslo, Sears, and Leo Woods.
After 17 weeks of action, tops for the season were Sears, Elusive, Leo Woods, and Gregslo.
I would count myself in the "perennial powers" category, but clearly I threw in the towel early this season, and was strictly sniping for weekly wins... Which didn't work out so well.
Hell, if Tampa and Dallas win yesterday, I have the perfect paper. And if those teams were WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE (thanks coach Green), I would have done it easily...
Anyway, Congrats to Sears, Elusive, and Leo Woods, for their very steady showing throughout the year...
One thing that tested my patience this year was certainly Leo Woods weekly lamentation of his woeful picks.... ON 2 occasions, I pointed out that "Dude, you're beating me every week!!!" Apparently, his picks weren't that bad after all.
Also, let me point out, for next year, the idea is to recruit some BAD PICKERS. Yes, bad. This pool is waaay too good. Let's review some of our pickers, and how they stack up against highly paid mouthpieces and professional analysts:
ESPN Accuscore Computer picks 171
MONJON 170 - nice, crushing all human analysts
Chris Mortensen of ESPN 169
Elusive 169
Leo Woods 167
Gregslo 167
KathB4 167
Erin07 164
Sears 164
VBS 164
Mark Schlereth of ESPN 162
Smitty201 161
Patrick686 160
RonFic 159
Nate Davis 158 (best picker of USA Today's staff 3rd year running)
Obviously, the point management is a critical factor, but people, pat yourselves on the back. You are good pickers!!! You crushed the pros!!!
I had someone lament to me the other day that their persistent Packer Picks were costing them.... given this week's results, I have to say that the 2 teams that cost me the most, especially early, were the Denver Broncos and the Jacksonville Jaguars... But late, I guess I have to say Tampa Bay (my home away from home team) and the Dallas Cowboys cost me an awful lot.
And my hat is clearly off to the Packers.... If they beat the stinking Bears, I win a different pool and get paid very heavily. Thanks guys.... Talk about huge disappointments... Besides the Cowboys, is there a bigger disappointment than the Pack?? We played for the NFC Title at home last year.... Ugh. (reaches for another guzzle out of the Grey Goose bottle....)
Let's talk about these Packers for a second:

There's your guy, Aaron Rodgers... The Great Aaron Rodgers, leaves storied Lambeau Field for the final time in 2008.
16 Games
536 Attempts, 341 Completions 63% Complete
4,038 Yards
28 Touchdowns, 13 Interceptions
93.8 Passer Rating
Overall, you'd have to say, that was good. That's a fine, fine body of work. It really is. Despite Beady Eyes Ted Thompson forcing Favre out at the wrong time, for all the wrong reasons, and despite hitching our wagon to a completely and utterly unknown and unproven quantity, it worked out.
Now, the problem is, if I told you last August "Hey, don't worry, Rodgers is going to throw for 4000+ yards, and a rating of almost 100, with only 13 picks!", well, #1, I'd have been thrown in a truck and shipped back to that mental health place, and I am SOOO TIRED of being sent there.... Here's a tip, when they ask you how you feel about something, NEVER, never tell them it makes you feel like getting a carton of cigs, a 12 pack of Coors Light, a box of ammo, and a rifle, and heading to the top of a tall building.... Never tell them that. Just let that be your little secret, there bunky...
Sorry, this isn't about how they NEVER wanna let me outta that place... no, no, this is about the Packers... #2, if I told you that in August, I mean, what, we're probably 12-4, #2 seed in the NFC, getting a bye week before our playoff game, right??? RIGHT?!?!?
Ahhh, no. We're not. Ted Thompson, pick up the white courtesy telephone. Call your office. Idiot...

There's Donald Driver... Who AGAIN went over 1000 yards receiving... Again, you'd have to say, we're in the playoffs.... Uuuuuhhhmmm, no. Actually Rodgers owes Driver a dinner, or something... That last 70 yard catch put Rodgers over 4000 for the year.

Take a good look... Because Uncle Tedly is getting ready to work some more of his "magic".... Word is, Driver is done here. Ted is going to let him go. Jennings, who apparently has Terrell Owens for an Idol, he drops so many passes, is going to be the guy. Driver is "too old".
Keep in mind, now, The Packers have fielded the YOUNGEST team in the NFL for 3 STRAIGHT YEARS. And we're tens of millions under the cap. Clearly, what we need to do is get rid of this highly poular and very productive veteran guy.... Riiiiigggghhht... Ugh! (Lights another Marlboro....)
Last thought on the Pack: they beat the Lions. Some are calling it a "good for nothing" win that merely served to lower our draft status. Uhh, Disagree. It clearly prevented us from suffering total and complete humiliation, and I have a bad feeling that as the Ted Thompson Era continues, there's going to be plenty of humiliation to go around, no need to have any more. Actually, I have said for many years that it's just as hard to go 16-0 as it is to go 0-16, and I stand by that. This league is built on parity. Bad teams draft first, play easier schedules, and in general the table is tilted towards them. 0-16 is truly an amazing accomplishment. But then, it highlights another of my theories: This is a QB league. If you have no QB, forget it. You must start with a QB. THEN, you can build on that.
Another last thought on the Packers: Coach McPositive, Mike McCarthy, said after the game "We can build on this." Thank you, Herman Edwards. Uhhh, Coach, sorry, but you beat the frickin' Lions, okay.... and your GM is sitting in his office right now, like Dr. Evil, plotting more ways to sabotage your team some more.... pull it back, coach. Reel it in... there ya go... Steady...
One more last thought on the Packers: Did the Lions look better than the Bears?? I think they did. I really do. They are a better football team. They just aren't as crazy lucky as the stupid, stinking Bears....
Do I need to say anything about the Cowboys loss??? Probably not... That was ugly. Ugly. Lemme ask a question, though... How is Romo supposed to do anything while he's running for his life and the pass rush is killing him, and TO is dropping everything, and Williams is running the wrong routes??? I'm just wondering out loud here.... Talk about the season ending with a thud. Ooooffff.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Patriots, at 11-5 are going to miss the Playoffs. Unreal. And yet, the San Diego Super-Chargers, with their crowning 8-8 record, have won the AFC West, and will host a playoff game. Whoa. Wow.
For the record, I am not doing anything for the playoffs this year. Pool ends now. Money will go out shortly.
That being said, I may continue to blog during the playoffs...
Bill Simmons of has been saying for weeks he can't wait to bet against the Vikings in the Playoffs. Here it is, dude: Eagles at Vikings. You think Romo looked bad? Wait 'till Tavaris Jackson gets a whiff of the Eagles pass rush... This could destroy any confidence Tavaris Jackson might have... for the rest of his life. When they drag me back to the mental health facility, I'll be sitting in group therapy with the dude... Actually, Tavaris may need a defibrillator on the field, after the Eagles pass rush gets through with him... Is it wrong to like all the road teams??? Baltimore at Miami? I think I like Baltimore in that one. Indy at San Diego?? I think I looove Indy in that one... Does it seem like a dream, that early in the season, the Packers dismantled the Colts??? I'm not making that up, we did destroy them... Atlanta at Arizona. This is an intriguing matchup. I guess on paper, you have to like Atlanta. But Arizona is a different team, in their high-tech home field... I'll be watching that one, not betting it.
Anyways, it was a great season!!! Enjoy the Playoffs!!!